It's one of Blood's friend's birthday on the last day of the test. And the day after that, her birthday! She was so NOT excited about it. Except for going to see the 2nd Transformers movie part and this best friend of hers coming to her house that day. And that she's gonna celebrate her birthday and almost everything. I didn't expect it to be THIS close to the test. At least she's better than the 27/6 friend there.
Anyway, her father introduced me a driving academy. Thingy. She said she wants me to learn how to drive a car. What for?! I don't have enough money for a pair of slippers, let alone a car! But she said she'll deal with it. She?! I heard from her mother she has only $xxxx in the bank! A four-digit number only! A car at least costs a five-digit number! How's SHE gonna do that?! She only has $xxxx! Jeez!
Blood-Duh. Buy an old, used car. Don't think it'll cost even $5000.
What do you know?! Women and machinery don't mix!
Blood-You sound like the police guy in Titanic.
Whatever. But an old, used car?! No way! I ain't gonna be seen dead in one of those! What if I'm going on a date?!
Blood-Sounds too modern for a knight from the Middle-Ages. C'mon, Michael.
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