Wednesday, April 21, 2010

things that burp.

Okay, ignore the title, Nini told me to use this as title because it seemed funny to us at the time. Anyway Nini said she doesn't feel so happy these days...okay she didn't say it but I can feel it. Call me a knight with rusty armor, but I think it's because of CD (Nini's asleep so she doesn't know I'm posting this...YET). She's just trying to forget him and stuff, due to my long-time experience living with her, lawlz. Anyway, I think it's bad for her, but she keeps insisting on herself. Poor thing. She even told me she's never gonna marry with the pregnancy and mood swings and all. I didn't ask anything, I swear.
Anyway, did you see the newspapers today? Young teen rapes young teen! And they're both Nini's age! Omigawd I better buy pepper spray now or she'll get raped too! Wait, she's too fat, she won't get raped. Well, that's a relief. Don't tell her I said this, ok?
Status, Fictionistic n Co. -
  • Foo Tser Jet, Gold Dragon Codex by R.D. Henham.
  • Nightstalker aka Charmaine Chiam, A Hero's Guide To Deadly Dragons by Cressida Cowell
  • Janice Kuo, Star Crazy me! by Jean Ure
  • Qing Wei, Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
  • Nini, The Search for the Red Dragon by James A. Owen

Good night...(it's 10pm)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

everything goes numb

Last Sunday Nini and I went to KLCC to shop for more books. Wait, that was her intention, mine is to find some nice ladies while I'm still young. Ha! Better finish this post before Nini comes back downstairs.
Anyway, she sat down and read a book and stayed like that for what seemed like hours to me, since all the manga are wrapped up in plastic and I hate words without pictures, so there. Then, Mrs. Wong finally came, and BAM! Nini's leg went numb, and when she tried to walk after standing up she twisted and fell. Then she got hit in the counter sideways. Ouch, man. But thank God she was hit sideways, or we're doomed.
Then we went to eat sushi. The restaurant was packed, man! Dude, we had to queue! But it was worth it since the waitresses aren't so ba
OK, Doomsday out! My turn to type! I don't care what he typed up there but I'm I'm here to annouce something...
I do not like Chicken Dancer anymore.
Well, I just don't. Because I just don't feel that damned spark when I think of him anymore. Instead I think one. Once again, I'm all lonely and not so lonely all thanks to Michael and Nightstalker. Thanks to you two for listening to my rants about this stupid guy, especially when I said he looks like a school bully, which is kind of true. And oh, I was thinking of CD and CK as the Headless Chicken Duos, since they are the only people i daren't talk to, and it sounds kind of neat. I hate headless chickens!!!
...i hope they won't become a trio, because I'm done with love.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Zi Ee and his army of Headless Chickens

Nini's crying because of Zi Ee drawing a headless chicken on an A4 paper today. Ok she didn't exactly cry, but she was on the verge of tears anyway. Then she got her revenge by strangling him to half death and Kitty helped her by taking his glasses away. But still, Nini was all pouting and everything. Dang, where was Nightstalker at times like these? i mean come on, I have work to go to, I can't protect her from headless chickens forever! Jeez...
王德志:你妈辣毒死你妈不如你妈 555 (lolz, some random comic I fished out)
Doomsday out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

hair dryers and instant noodles

Doomsday here! OMG Nightstalker's heart has a hair dryer...wait...if Nini is just as a lunatic as her...then I bet her heart has a hair dryer, an LG fridge full of ice-cream (no wonder she had brain-freeze) and tons of pictures of OW! She hit me again, jeez.
Anyway, Nini said Nightstalker got fired from the prefect thingy-thingy. But she's still complaining about being 风纪股 and having to do the 服饰检查 with another prefect. Poor thing...hey, don't you smack me in the head no more, man! or I'll pull the G key away!
OK, she finally went away to watch the telly with her parents. Jeez, troublesome. Anyway, I wus sick so I stayed home today. And I saw one pack of chicken-flavored Maggi mee in the fridge, ewwww....who the heck put that?!?! What's more it's opened...I am NOT touching THAT. So I went hungry for a few hours until Nini came back and we shared some bread and milk (sounds like country stuff...) then her parents finally came back and we had dinner, thank God!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

sprots day two

it's freaking hot. again! and all because im wearing a black shirt. imma gonna kill whoever designed this stupid choir shirt! i dont care if she's reading this now!
anyway, i spent the whole morning with charmaine and kitty aka min xian. we ate kitty's marshmallows and kitty and i told her the story of the italian man who went to malta. youtube it, it's hilarious. i even talked in italian accent in our random convos. and then cc treated me to a drink or two (two actually along with cheese wedgies). lolz...we had fun. but it's still freaking hot!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

bows and arrows

I can't wait for sports day too! and i have reasons. one, i get to wear something else aka the choir black shirt thingy so i wouldn't look so fat again in a pinafore and the PE shirt. two, yes, i get to talk to nightstalker. three, i get to run around in some place else instead of having my butt glued into the seat right in front of CK like any other day. and btw my legs kinda hurt today. everytime i try to go down the stairs or take a short walk they hurt. especially the knees. then my tummy hurts right before PE, and gabriel told me to go to toilet. no, its not the throw up kind or the toilet kind of tummyache, it just hurts. then im getting tired of everyone saying zi ee and i are together. oh and the dynamic duo aka zhen qing and khai ling were trying to guess who i like and they mentioned CK. i want to throw up at the thought. anyone but him!!! oh yeah, and i drew three bows and arrows on my sketchbook today. im kinda pleased with what they look like, and they're more day to sports day! why cant we just skip thursday? bag so heavy...T-T
Status, Fictionistic n Co.

  • Foofoo's reading the whole Dragon Codex Series by R.D. Henham
  • Charmaine took How To Break A Dragon's Heart by Cressida Cowell
  • and I'm also reading part of the DC Series. don't tell Foofoo X3X3X3

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

headless chickens AGAIN

My friends are teasing me about my fear for headless chickens, this time one that is holding a butcher knife.
Zi Ee kept drawing headless chickens on the table, and I was being able to bear that. But then he went and drew a headless chicken holding a butcher knife. Do you know what I did when I only saw the knife part of the picture???
I fucking screamed.
Then I was screaming and demanding Zi Ee to rub the headless chicken off. Kitty was laughing at my reaction, and CK was none too pleased about it. I could've swore he smirked.
Status, Fictionistic n Co.

  • Foofoo had the whole Dragon Codex Series to himself, by R.D. Henham
  • I'm still reading the same book. Scroll down to see which one, lazy :P

Friday, April 2, 2010


Finally! Nini stopped offering food like raw pork and my chocolate bars to the Gods since Nightstalker got out of the hospital. I asked if I can have my chocolate back, but instead she ate them all! Curse you Nini!!!
Anyway, yesterday I had to pick Nini home since she suddenly called by public phone and I had nothing to do, so I did it. I'm still using my used Mercedes, so it wasn't that much of shame for either of us. Then instead of going home she told me to drive straight to Mid Valley.
So we ate sushi and used up her father's money, then we went window shopping. No, I don't mean buying windows, I mean just walking around the mall and looking for something interesting from their displaying windows. It was fun, though with Nini and I commenting together on people's taste on today.
Then on the time when we went home, we hit the traffic jam. Then we ate lots of junk food we bought from Jusco on the North side of Mid Valley in the car. Then suddenly...
She threw up! And she was sitting in the front seat! Oh my God this is going to take centuries to clean up! I really wanted to kill her, but I can't or she'll take the car back and kick me out of the house. My poor, poor car...
[Michael hands laptop to Nini]
Yeah, whatever. So what if I did throw up? He should know I could throw up anytime if I eat too much of junk food. Serves him right anyway for driving too much and using up too much fuel. Haha...
Status of Fictionistic n Co. is still the same!!!

chasing art blocks

Today I got stared at for so many times I could just run into the highway and get hit by a Mercedes.
After school, for some reason I just brought my art block along back home. Then Foofoo and I exchanged our art blocks, and he gave me drawing tips (tnx Foofoo...X3), then we both started to go for Ler Song Lim's art block, and he obviously didn't want us to see the contents. Then, after he went home, I started chasing other people's art blocks, and people were staring. Especially CD and his friend (4got his English name :P).
While recess, I sang the Sports Day anthem with two of my friends 壁滢 and 铃木 from choir, then we tried singing 小鸟,but ended up going off key...lolz...then 沛庚 told us to stop singing. LAWLZ
Oh, and you should really watch this. It's hilarious!!! XDXDXD
Status, Fictionistic n Co.
  • Foo Tser Jet wants the whole Dragon Codex Series by R.D. Henham
  • Charmaine is still hospitalised, so How To Be A Pirate by Cressida Cowell is still taken
  • I'm still reading Flight Of The Fire Thief by Terry Deary

我们召唤春风摇响风铃 风铃啊

我们召唤花雨敲响金钟 敲响金钟

每片绿叶每朵彩云 都来倾听吧

听小小少年 放开歌声 赞美时空
