Sunday, June 28, 2009

Blood's Bloody Birthday

Not that there's war today or anything...just playing.

Anyway, today is Blood's birthday, and she invited Charmaine to her house. They both had a lot of laughs, Blood said. Especially on the way back. Then, to Blood's horror Charmaine looked at all her baby photos. After she left I even looked at some of them albums. She was so cute, I've got to admit. Actually, everyone who once looked at those albums said she was cute, to mention it.
Her birthday went okay, too. Her choco-banana cake is mini size, so the four of 'em (I'm allergic to chocolate) already ate half of them cake. I never tasted chocolate in my whole life. I left the chocolate out on the last banana split incident too. Oh...:(
Guess what she had for a birthday present? Movie DVDs.