Tuesday, April 6, 2010

headless chickens AGAIN

My friends are teasing me about my fear for headless chickens, this time one that is holding a butcher knife.
Zi Ee kept drawing headless chickens on the table, and I was being able to bear that. But then he went and drew a headless chicken holding a butcher knife. Do you know what I did when I only saw the knife part of the picture???
I fucking screamed.
Then I was screaming and demanding Zi Ee to rub the headless chicken off. Kitty was laughing at my reaction, and CK was none too pleased about it. I could've swore he smirked.
Status, Fictionistic n Co.

  • Foofoo had the whole Dragon Codex Series to himself, by R.D. Henham
  • I'm still reading the same book. Scroll down to see which one, lazy :P