Tuesday, April 20, 2010

everything goes numb

Last Sunday Nini and I went to KLCC to shop for more books. Wait, that was her intention, mine is to find some nice ladies while I'm still young. Ha! Better finish this post before Nini comes back downstairs.
Anyway, she sat down and read a book and stayed like that for what seemed like hours to me, since all the manga are wrapped up in plastic and I hate words without pictures, so there. Then, Mrs. Wong finally came, and BAM! Nini's leg went numb, and when she tried to walk after standing up she twisted and fell. Then she got hit in the counter sideways. Ouch, man. But thank God she was hit sideways, or we're doomed.
Then we went to eat sushi. The restaurant was packed, man! Dude, we had to queue! But it was worth it since the waitresses aren't so ba
OK, Doomsday out! My turn to type! I don't care what he typed up there but I'm I'm here to annouce something...
I do not like Chicken Dancer anymore.
Well, I just don't. Because I just don't feel that damned spark when I think of him anymore. Instead I think one. Once again, I'm all lonely and not so lonely all thanks to Michael and Nightstalker. Thanks to you two for listening to my rants about this stupid guy, especially when I said he looks like a school bully, which is kind of true. And oh, I was thinking of CD and CK as the Headless Chicken Duos, since they are the only people i daren't talk to, and it sounds kind of neat. I hate headless chickens!!!
...i hope they won't become a trio, because I'm done with love.