Friday, July 17, 2009

Bloody Marks.

Uh-oh. Blood failed two subjects~ow. And she delayed it this long to play her AQW. And for me to surf the net. Until tomorrow...I don't think she can delay it any further. So, sniff, farewell, my friends. And Blood here is also cry...ow, okay it's not true. I really made this up this time, it's not true.
Anyway, my driving test went fine. I got a D, but at least I didn't, coughs, fail...
Blood - Or crash.
Hey. It didn't happen, okay? It was an accident. Sigh. Anyway (man, the Y key is so damn hard to click), I had my driver's license. And what did we do? Blood bought an old, used car for me. Eeek, it really smells on the inside, and the backseats are awful, I tell you. And the boot cover is kinda' squeaky when you try to open it. Noooo!