Guess what?! Blood broke another 2 keys! Teh B key (it's all white and scrubbed) and the spacebar (great, a hole). She was like slamming the laptop with a book and ta-da. The book wasn't thick, she just used one edge of it. And her grounding ain't even started yet! Now look at what she did...great, she now said she lost the cover for the Y key now. Great! She's so dead.
I think, due to someone's calculations (definitely not me, I suck at maths), she may break all the keys before the next semester's test comes. And she'll definitely be grounded by that time. Poor thing.
By the way, Blood's a little busy these days, and she needs her laptop, so I won't be in for a while. Girls. Ow.
Blood - I like the scar on the spaceber.